September 2023 – “For us, facing challenges means creating opportunities”.

Perhaps the words Silvia Dalla Valle, Stone Italiana’s Marketing Director, chose for her introduction to the third edition of the Sustainability Report are the best summary of how last year went for Stone Italiana on an economic, social and environmental level. It was a complex year to face, one marked by the continuing geopolitical crisis and an ever more demanding market. Nonetheless, the Italian Company posted a 7% increase in net profits compared with 2021 and a 21% reduction in direct CO emissions.

These are encouraging figures that echo the significant results it has attained in terms of its commitment to the environment, reducing the consumption of paper for waybills by 62% (compared with 2020), consolidating the figure of 11% recycled base materials out of the total purchased and increasing the percentage of recovered waste to 83%.

“While it is true that responsibility has been part of the Company DNA since it was founded in 1979,” continues Dalla Valle, “it can’t be denied that Stone Italiana is now committed to a more conscious way of doing business, by planning precise objectives on a large scale, objectives which go far beyond the simple manufacture of eco-friendly products. In the last two years, we have undertaken initiatives to improve our sustainability process, from the environment – with a growing focus on responsible consumption, recycling and limiting emissions – to social welfare and economic sustainability, which allows us to face our challenges and create value.”

The international launch of Cosmolite®, Stone Italiana’s unique, high-performance New Materia made 100% from recycled minerals, forms part of this drive. The formulas employed for the different collections contain varying amounts and grain sizes of mineral oxides, but are linked by a common thread: their low crystalline-silica content. The minerals are sourced locally in Italy, leading to the additional advantage of reducing energy consumption and transport costs. The resin used to bind the grains together is made using plant-based ingredients.

The fruit of years of research and experimentation, Cosmolite® has become the symbol of the future for Stone Italiana. It’s a bright new opportunity for designers who, whether following their own consciences or because they know it enhances the value of a product, seek out green solutions.

For the past three years” explains Paola Dalla Valle, Chief Sustainability Officer at Stone Italiana,drafting the Report has meant taking stock in order to see clearly which goals we have achieved and the areas we still have to work on. For us, the Report is always an exciting starting point and something we’re glad to share with all our stakeholders. What’s more, I strongly believe that being sustainable means first and foremost ensuring that we continue to do business in the best possible way for our partners, our staff, the local area and the environment at large.”

Stone Italiana’s increased focus on environmental welfare is flanked by a daily commitment to improve the Company’s worker welfare and safety practices, which includes performing periodical internal audits in order to assess and monitor all the various factors pertaining to risks in the workplace. 

In 2022, Stone Italiana’s Staff – counting five more members than the previous year – were able to enjoy a coffee allowance, the option to have lunch in the new staff canteen, and a new relaxation area designed for recreational activities and team building.

Lastly, the Company’s investments in cyber security and digitalization are continuing. As regards cyber security, Stone Italiana has decided to adopt major measures designed to augment the levels of protection of its own and third-party data, while the digital transformation process has seen the adoption of a new MES (Manufacturing Execution System) designed to ensure product traceability, logistics management for base materials and monitoring of machine downtimes. This last measure will provide useful information about machinery performance and preventive maintenance operations.

Innovation and care for both the environment and social welfare are the main focuses of a structured, robust corporate agenda aimed at consolidating Stone Italiana’s position as a flagship for the sector. 



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