AWWA releases insights report from Water 2050 Technology Think Tank
A diverse group of influential thinkers from within and outside the water community put forth 10 recommendations for a technologically-advanced water future in the second think tank report of the Water 2050 initiative. Published today by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the Water 2050 Technology Think Tank Report is the second in a series of five think tank reports associated with the initiative. Water 2050 seeks to envision the future of water and chart a course for sustainability. The 26 participants in the Water 2050 Technology Think Tank, which took place Dec. 5-7, 2022, at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, included highly respected voices from the water and wastewater utility, manufacturing and consulting community, innovation incubators, Silicon Valley thought leaders, privacy and cybersecurity experts, regulators and academics, CEOs and an agriculture research hydrologist. The group engaged in a series of facilitated d...