Kiewit-Stantec design-build team breaks ground on groundwater remediation projects in Los Angeles
Projects will remediate portions of the San Fernando Valley Groundwater Basin Los Angeles, CA (March 26, 2021) NYSE, TSX:STN The Kiewit-Stantec design-build team recently broke ground on two multi-year projects that together total $400 million and will help remediate water from the San Fernando Valley Groundwater Basin (SFB) for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP). The SFB covers 226 square miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. The new state-of-the-art facilities at the North Hollywood Central Response Action Treatment Facility and Tujunga Well Field Response Action Treatment Facility will address historical groundwater contamination from post WWII and cold-war era industrial operations in the area. The projects include new pretreatment automatic backwash strainers, 10 largest-of-their-kind ultraviolet advance oxidation process reactors, 54 13,000-gallon granular activated carbon units, 12 miles of pipe, and nearly 250 miles of electrical cable...